Alternate Format Project

The goal of this assignment is to get you thinking about different methods of communicating information and to practice using one of those methods. In college, we prioritize the written word, but sometimes there are better ways to tell a story. In this assignment, you will use a different medium to communicate some aspect of one of your reaction papers to readers of your website.


  • Create a page or post on your website. 
  • Embed the object you create (image, audio file, video, etc.) in the page or post.
  • Below the object, copy and paste the section from your paper that you are trying to communicate through another medium, and link back to the original page/post.
  • Reflection:
    • Name the tool you used to create the object.
    • Tell your reader why you selected the medium and tool you selected.
    • Tell your reader if you believe the new object effectively communicates your idea or not.
    • Tell your reader aboutšŸ’” šŸ˜” šŸ˜ šŸ˜¢ moments and how they affected your project.
  • Submit the URL of the page or post to OnCourse by the start of class, November 5, 2019.


You have written 3 reaction papers for this course. Take an aspect of one of those papers and communicate it through a medium other than the written word and publish it on your website.

Sample Ideas

  • Create a short podcast using Audacity (Mac, Windows) where you try to convince a family member to change how they use some aspect of social media.
  • Show us how your use of digital tools has changed over time using timeline.js (web browser), paying attention to creation, consumption, and conversation.
  • Create an infographic using Piktochart or Canva (web browser) that uses visuals to highlight security practices.
  • Have the authors of 2 readings you connected in a paper ā€œtalkā€ to each other using Plotagon Story (iOS, Google Play).
  • Create a screencast walking your viewer through fact-checking a potentially dubious web site or story using Nimbus or Screencastify (Google Chrome).
  • Or whatever else you can dream up! 


  • The goal of this assignment is to communicate in a medium other than simple written text.
  • Your final object should represent at least 3 hours of effort, but not more than 10 hours.
  • Your final object can be a imperfect work, but it should not be a first draft.
  • Plan your project in advance.
  • Use a storyboard if you plan on creating audio or video.
  • Working in audio or video or image is like working with text: sometimes the ideas flow and sometimes you crumple them up in a ball and start over. Thatā€™s to be expected and itā€™s okay.
  • Get comfortable with Google and help files, because neither Thomas nor I are experts on any of these tools.
  • The written part of this assignment is meant for you to reflect on why you might use another medium to communicate an idea. Please do it because it does count towards your grade.


This is a great time to schedule an appointment with Thomas or me (email me or stop by office hours Wednesdays 2:30-3:30) to discuss possible ideas. Donā€™t wait until the last minute to pick a tool and an aspect of your paper to communicate.
