Reaction Paper 1


  • 400 words minimum, 800 words maximum
  • Submitted as a PDF, Word, Google Doc, or .txt file.
  • Submitted through OnCourse – Reaction Paper 1 assignment link.
  • Use one of the major citation formats to cite class and outside readings (MLA, APA, or Chicago). 

Writing Prompt

For the first 2+ weeks of the semester, we explored your personal digital practices and dug into digital citizenship and online communities. In 400-800 words, please address at least two of the following questions:

  • What do you think it means to be a digital citizen? Include evidence from the readings or class discussion to support your assertion.
  • How will your personal practices around online creation, consumption, and/or conversation change based on what you learned in the readings and activities we did in class?
  • Why do you think online communities have different cultures and levels of tolerance for dissent, trolling, or abuse? Include evidence from the readings or class discussions to support your assertion.

Included in your 400-800 words, please also:

  • Identify one outside reading or podcast episode that relates to this topic. Include the citation and URL of the reading or episode. Summarize the reading or episode and describe how it relates to the topics of digital citizenship, online communities, and/or personal digital practices.