Reaction Paper 2


  • 500 words minimum, 800 words maximum
  • Posted into your WordPress site.
  • URL for paper submitted through OnCourse – Reaction Paper 2 assignment link
  • Use one of the major citation formats to cite class and outside readings (MLA, APA, or Chicago). 

Writing Prompt

In this second unit of class, you learned more about data privacy, security, and information about individuals online. For this paper, read one additional article from the following list: 

In the first part of your paper/post, address both of the following prompts:

  • Summarize the additional reading in a paragraph. Describe a connection between this article and at least one of the articles we read for class.
  • Tell us about the author of the article. What do you find about the author beyond their author bio on the article website? What expertise do they have to be speaking on the topic at hand?

For the second part of your paper/post, address ONE of these two bullets:

  • Write a paragraph in which you try to convince a specific family member or close friend to modify how they use one of their favorite apps or websites. Tell us who that person is. Identify an app or website this person uses that’s in ToS:DR. Tell the person how the app/site handles their data. Link to the ToS:DR page and the app/site privacy policy in the text. Tell your friend/family member how you think their use of the app/site should or shouldn’t change based on what you learned on ToS:DR and/or from class readings or external research. Include citations to the app/site’s ToS:DR entry and any readings you use to support your argument at the end of the post. (For fun, trying calling them after you write this up and give them your pitch. Did it go as you planned?)
  • Write a paragraph in which you try convince a specific family member or close friend to adopt at least one security practice we discussed in class. Tell us who that person is. Describe the security practice you think they should adopt. Describe at least one objection, concern, or point of confusion you think they might raise in response to your request. Use information from the readings and/or external research to address their concern. Include links to the readings in the text and a citation to the readings at the end of the post. (For fun, trying calling them after you write this up and give them your pitch. Did it go as you planned?)