Reflective Essay


  • Minimum of 600 words.
  • Touch on at least 2 of the 4 units we covered in the course.
  • Cite at least 3 class or outside readings.
  • You may include media in your essay (e.g. audio, video, images).
  • Cite sources accurately (both readings and media).
    • Link to sources within the text. 
    • Include a works cited at the end of the essay.
  • Post the URL of your essay to OnCourse by the start of class on Thurs, Nov 21.

Writing Prompt

Informally: Reflect on the breadth of things you learned in this course, then tell your reader what those things are.

Formally: Write a reflective essay on what it means to be a digital citizen with a digital identity. You should touch on at least two of the four units we covered in the course: digital citizenship in online communities, privacy and security, critically evaluating online content, and you, online.

Sample framings for your essay:

  • Compare your digital practices and experiences before you came to Wheaton to your practices and experiences now. Describe what you have learned and which, if any, digital practices you have changed because of that knowledge.
  • Explain your core values as a digital citizen. Use specific examples when you describe how those values reflect your digital practices. Models for this may include everything from manifestos and statements of purpose.
  • Address some or all of the questions you should be able to answer at the end of the course (from the syllabus):
    • What are digital citizenship and digital identity?
    • What does it mean to participate productively in online communities? 
    • What do privacy and security mean in a digital age?
    • What steps do I need to take to take to verify claims, particularly those shared online?
    • Why might I want to be online and who do I want to be online?